The team – writer Diablo Cody and director Jason Reitman – that brought is 2007’s “Juno” and 2011’s “Young Adult” has now delivered “Tully.”
Haven’t seen “Young Adult” but have heard great things, and I understand it’s funny. I dig funny.
I saw “Juno” a handful of times in the theater and “fo-shizz” loved the movie’s impressive cast, its killer soundtrack, and that sharp-tongued sarcasm that guides my twisted existence.
So naturally, I was stoked for “Tully.”
But because it offers less laugh-out-loud humor and way more inherent reality “Tully” has a different vibe.
It’s clear at the film’s start that Marlo (Charlize Theron, also the star of “Young Adult”) and husband Drew (Ron Livingston) already have their hands full raising daughter Sarah (Lia Frankland) – and especially son Jonah (Asher Miles Fallica).
So the arrival of kiddo No. 3 completely drains their energies – especially Marlo’s.
I mean, check out that quick-edit montage of Marlo caring for the new addition: the crying, the diaper changes, the crying, the rocking, the napping, the crying, the diapers, the breast feeding, the napping, the crying, the diapers….
And the faster those images flash onscreen the more exhausting and endless the cycle becomes. The struggle for Marlo to remain a functioning human being is all too real. Did I mention the crying?
Her brother Craig (Mark Duplass) just wants his sister back, so he offers to pay for a night nanny.
“They’re like ninjas!” he emphatically states.
Then we meet Tully(Mackenzie Davis). And Tully is a life changer – but not in the way you might think.
This flick was at first tough to watch. Then about halfway through, it clicked. I got it. And it instantly made me look at these characters and their situations in a whole new way. The crafting and execution of this tale is altogether brilliant, and once it’s over you almost need to watch it again.
“Tully” is difficult. It’s a relief. It’s layered with complexity. And it’s so achingly real that it will slap you in the face. And then it will give you a much-needed hug.
As Marlo, Theron is discreetly superb. Her interactions with her husband, the kids, her brother, and Tully all feel respectively personal – and sweet, and repressed, and honest.
It’s like we’re reading her diary, and it’s one hell of a stirring investment.
“Tully” takes a long, hard look at real life. While it offers a few moments of amusement the film never tries to bullshit its viewers, which is refreshing.
You’ll feel a familiarity with these characters, because they represent people you actually know – and that kind of association is what makes “Tully” a significant revelation.
You have just enjoyed the insights of Movie Addict Mel, a cinema dork and conversational writer. Follow her on Twitter @movieaddictmel, and “like” her Facebook page You also can email her at