

“I just wanted to be your friend.”

Though my moviegoing days are now fewer and farther between, I took one look at the trailer for Saltburn and messaged a friend that we should go. Neither of us really knew much about the plot, but that simply added to the intrigue.

Saltburn might be one of the most visually stunning movies I’ve seen in a while — and possibly ever. Much of that is thanks to director Emerald Fennell’s brilliant use of light and shadow, creating a trance-like vibe that looks altogether romantic while sprinkling in an aura of mystery, secrecy, and… trepidation.

Interestingly, Fennell uses a tight aspect ratio, which initially seemed like it might be a distraction or feel unsettling. But instead, it creates an intimacy between these characters and a visceral audience connection to them. This cramped, compact format draws us in and more closely directs our attention to Oliver (Barry Keoghan) and Felix (Jacob Elordi) and their wild, wicked world.

Those extreme closeups — extreme closeups — serve to highlight not just the physical beauty of the actors but also an almost seductive nature between their characters as well as the fascinating and alluring lifestyle that is Saltburn.

And let’s not forget about those stylized point-of-view shots, allowing insight through Oliver’s eyes as we experience and begin to understand his mindset, actions, and distractions.

Keoghan and Elordi are so good, so graceful, and so captivating. If their performances don’t completely hypnotize you, Fennell’s composition and shot selection certainly will. Don’t be surprised if Saltburn racks up a handful of Oscar nominations, especially for acting, directing, and cinematography.

Sure, the narrative is insanely twisted. But this dark, magnetic, disturbing — at times even disgusting — and exciting thrill ride is worth every minute.

You have just enjoyed the insights of Movie Addict Mel, a cinema dork and conversational writer. Follow and “like” her Facebook page at

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